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First Nations Radio Feed

Ed Little Crow Book Release

Greetings Relatives, Friends and Community,

Health and Wellness in Indian Country

Greetings - please take a look at the Monthly Newsletter from to see a perspective on how to create self-health in these rapidly changing times.

Click here to view in a new window or a tab.

Four Eagles Farm

Four Eagles Farm is a biodynamic operated organic farm on the shasta valley plains raising bison,sheep and garden produce for local community only. byproducts include classes and supplies for wool products(needlefelting, spinning, fleece and pelts) drums, hides, and frames. Home meat production(butchering, cut and wrap classes) seedsaving and biodynamic preparations.Other skills for hire are sheepshearing and farrier services. Lamb and bison meat available

Primary Phone: 
1 (530) 459-3707

First Nations Radio

Event Categorized In
Event Details
Repeats every week until Mon Nov 29 2010 .
Sunday, November 29, 2009 - 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Native American music, local/regional Indian news. Voices of the generations, oral traditions, elders/leaders, native music, skits, jokes, stories, poems, live songs. Local native events and native writings and readings.

Solstice Storytelling Conference

Event Details
Saturday, December 19, 2009 - 12:00pm - 10:00pm

Red Earth Descendants will host our fourth annual Native Storytelling Conference. You are invited to enjoy a day of traditional storytelling and teachings from Native people in our region. We are honored to have a featured storyteller this year from the Kalapuya people, Esther Stutzman. We will begin at Noon, Feast at 5 p.m. and then enjoy an evening session. Also included in the day is a 10 a.m. Women's Community Meeting (if you plan to attend the Women's Meeting, PLEASE plan to arrive by 9:45 a.m.

M. Youngblood Performance Workshop

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Event Details
Saturday, November 21, 2009 - 9:30am - 11:30am

Mary Youngblood presents an Intermediate/Advanced/Performance Readiness Workshop on Saturday, November 21, 9:30-11:30 a.m., at the Unitarian Center, 4th and C Streets, Ashland. Mary discusses her techniques in using visualization, to assist the more advanced player in obtaining their musical goals.

Welcome to our new website.

If you notice any bugs or issues, please comment here.

What Can I Add to the Trading Post?

You may add Business/Service listings or "ForSale" listings.

Mindful Integrations

Computer services and web design/consulting. Experienced in Drupal, Wordpress, and Joomla. Creator of this website.

Located in Ashland, Oregon. Provides service to all of S. Oregon, including Talent, Phoenix, Medford - and at a national level.

Rates vary and are based on community oriented sliding scales, especially for non profits.

Primary Phone: 
1 (541) 708-1163

Shifting Images

Event Categorized In
Event Details
Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 4:30pm - 6:30pm

Nov. 22 (The day after the powwow) Atara will be sharing photos and selections from her work "Shifting Images" to get feedback from the community before considering publishing her thesis.
Members of Red Earth Descendants and Havurah Shir Hadash are invited to comment on this project.

** Whoever has the group copy, please bring it with you.

Date & Time: 11/22/09 at 4:45 (following another speaker, so time may vary).