Pow Wow
Southern Oregon Veteran's Powwow
Please come out and honor the Veterans at the VA Domiciliary for the annual Veteran's Powwow! Grand entries Saturday @ Noon and 7 p.m., community dinner at 5 p.m.. Grand entry Sunday @ Noon. On the baseball fields at the Dom! Dancing, drumming, good eats, vendors.
20th Annual Spring Powwow
Southern Oregon University's
Native American Student Union will host their
20th Annual Spring Powwow
April 14 & 15, 2012
McNeal Pavilion in Ashland, OR
Host Drum: Young Chief
MC: Marc McNair
Arena Director: Lynn Schonchin
Head Dancers: Tom and Allison Ball
Official Tabulator: Loren Schonchin
All drums and dancers are welcome.
This is a free event. NO Drugs or Alcohol allowed.
Vendors please email or contact NASU SOU on Facebook.
New Years Eve Sobriety Powwow
Grants Pass Inter-tribal Powwow Committee invites you to the New Years Eve Sobriety Powwow at the Boy's and Girl's Club of Grants Pass. Doors open at Noon, 1st Grand Entry 1 p.m., Feast at 5 p.m., 2nd Grand Entry 7 p.m. Until we dance in the New Year! For information and vendors, call 541-474-2690. No drugs or alcohol PLEASE!
Whistling Elk Drum Trek to Colville Reservation
Whistling Elk Drum will once again make the long journey up to northeast Washington, to the Colville Reservation, to attend the Nespelem New Year's Pow Wow. The Drum is going to support relations made with friends and family there, to represent our community in a good way, and to sing for the People.
NASU's Welcome Back Tribal Gathering
The community is invited to attend the third annual "Back to School Tribal Gathering" hosted by the Native American Student Union (NASU) of SOU.
Saturday, November 20, doors open at Noon, Grand Entries at 1 and 6 p.m.
Free dinner at 5 p.m.
Powwow, Aztec Dancers, Native Games, traditional demonstrations, gambling, Pomo Dancers, Karuk stories, Purepecha Corn Festival, lots of food and fun!
Location: upstairs in the Stevenson Union of SOU--Rogue River Room.
NASU's Welcome Back Tribal Gathering
The community is invited to attend the third annual "Back to School Tribal Gathering" hosted by the Native American Student Union Of SOU.
Saturday, November 20, doors open at Noon, Grand Entries at 1 and 6 p.m.
Free dinner at 5 p.m.
Powwow, Aztec Dancers, Native Games, traditional demonstrations, gambling, Pomo Dancers, Karuk stories, Purepecha Corn Festival, lots of food and fun!
Location: upstairs in the Stevenson Union of SOU--Rogue River Room.
Living Waters Family Camp & Powwow
The family camp is for all ages and was a huge success last year. Limited full and partial scholarships are again available this year on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please register early. All takes place in Turner (also know as Salem), OR.
For Info:
Wiconi International
PO Box 5246, Vancouver, WA 98668
Grand Ronde Veterans' Powwow
Grand Ronde Veteran's Powwow
Uyxat Powwow Grounds, Grand Ronde, Oregon
Gourd dancing Sat. & Sun. 11am. Grand entries 1pm & 7pm Sat. 1pm on Sunday
All veterans, dancers, & public welcome! Arts & crafts, & food vendors welcome
PO Box 38, Grand Ronde, OR 97347