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First Nations Radio Feed

Vision Statement

R.E.D. has the vision to steward a shared piece of land where our community can strive for sustainability in some of the following ways: cultural gatherings, growing food, creating a seed bank, building earth lodges and an eco-village, holding Ceremony, taking care of our elders, children and each other in a safe and nurturing environment.

First Nation Radio Feb. 8

First Nation Radio broadcast for February 8, 2009Listen or Download Here  47 MB  

First Nation Radio Feb. 8

First Nation Radio broadcast for February 8, 2009Listen or Download Here  47 MB  

First Nation Radio Feb. 8

First Nation Radio broadcast for February 8, 2009Listen or Download Here  47 MB  

Transformation Arts

Tai Chi and Chi Gung instruction in the Lineage Original Method Style. Taught by 30+exp. teacher Michael Vasquez.

Transformation Arts envisions a formal structure for Self Health Care that embraces the relationship and connection of individual whole health of the mind/body/spirit, the shift in community/social standards that reflects self health care in our inter-personal relationships and the awareness of our actions and impact on shared environments.

We offer classes in Ashland and Medford Oregon:

Primary Phone: 
1 (541) 219-5184