First Nations Radio Feed
18th Annual Greater Medford Multicultural Fair
Please see our information on the Home Page, as well as the Multicultural Fair website:
We hope to see you at the event!
18th Annual Multicultural Fair
Please join the Red Earth Descendants community, Whistling Elk Singers and the multicultural community of Southern Oregon for a rich display of food, art and entertainment from our diverse region. R.E.D. will help provide an inter-tribal presence at this year's Fair, with performances by Whistling Elk Singers and Storytelling in a traditional tipi with Benson Lanford.
Saturday, September 24 in Hawthorne Park, Medford. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m..
We look forward to seeing you!
See our calendar link for further details.
Fall~Winter Longhouse Schedule at Lane Community College Longhouse, Eugene
LongHouse Schedule
* LongHouse Ceremony will be scheduled at the Lane Community College LongHouse on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
* LongHouse will start promptly at 10:00am, please come a bit early if possible, give time to visit and greet others (part of the tradition to get to know your community).
* Following the ceremony there will be a feast, please bring a dish to share, kitchen facilities are on-site.
* Also we ask that we all join in the clean-up, many hands make for light work. Click "read more" for the schedule.
Klamath Restoration Celebration
See attached flier for more detailed information!
Klamath Restoration Celebration
R.E.D. community is invited to Chiloquin this weekend, August 26-28 for the 25th Annual Restoration Celebration. Pow Wow Grand Entries at the Chiloquin High School Football Field are 1 and 7 p.m. on Saturday, August 27; 1 p.m. on Sunday, August 28. Other events in town--a youth rodeo, community feasts, lots of Native vendors. See our calendar on this site--flier attached with more detailed information.
Nesika Illahee Pow-Wow in Siletz, Oregon
Whistling Elk will be attending the Annual Nesika Illahee Pow-Wow
R.E.D. community invited~
August 12th - 14th, 2011
Pauline Ricks Memorial Pow-Wow Grounds
Government Hill in Siletz, OR
All Drummers and Dancers Welcome
The Nesika Illahee Pow-Wow is a Drug and alcohol-free event. We are not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen items.
Vendor registration is required. Click on the link below for more information concerning vendors.
Camping: $25 trash fee, $5 pet fee/per pet (camping area)
Siletz Pow Wow
Annual Nesika Illahee Pow-Wow
August 12th - 14th, 2011
Pauline Ricks Memorial Pow-Wow Grounds
Government Hill in Siletz, OR
All Drummers and Dancers Welcome
The Nesika Illahee Pow-Wow is a Drug and alcohol-free event. We are not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen items.
Vendor registration is required. Click on the link below for more information concerning vendors.
Camping: $25 trash fee, $5 pet fee/per pet (camping area)
Royalty applications are being accepted. Click on the following link to obtain an application: Royalty Application
Joanne Shenandoah in Concert
St. Clair Productions presents Native American singer/songwriter Joanne Shenandoah in concert on Friday, September 30, 8 p.m., at the Unitarian Fellowship, 87 4th St., Ashland. Whistling Elk Singers open the show. Tickets are $22 in advance, $25 at the door, $10 for teens 12-17 and free under 12. Tickets available at Music Coop, American Trails, on-line at or call 541-535-3562.
A portion of the proceeds benefits Red Earth Descendants.