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20th Annual Spring Powwow

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Event Details
Saturday, April 14, 2012 - 11:00am - Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 5:00pm

Southern Oregon University's
Native American Student Union will host their
20th Annual Spring Powwow
April 14 & 15, 2012
McNeal Pavilion in Ashland, OR

Host Drum: Young Chief
MC: Marc McNair
Arena Director: Lynn Schonchin
Head Dancers: Tom and Allison Ball
Official Tabulator: Loren Schonchin

All drums and dancers are welcome.
This is a free event. NO Drugs or Alcohol allowed.
Vendors please email or contact NASU SOU on Facebook.

Spring Benefit for Grandma Aggie

Spring Benefit for Grandma Aggie and the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
March 31, 2012
4 - 11 p.m.
Bellview Grange in Ashland
We will be serving dinner and showing the film about the Grandmothers~
"For The Next 7 Generations"
Speakers and Music will follow the film (Click "Read More" below this text for more!)

Will also feature the launching of the book, GHOST RIDER ROADS. Inside the American Indian Movement 1971-present,collected/by antoinette nora claypoole

this link goes to the info, below:

Contributors include:

Spring Benefit for Grandma Aggie

Event Details
Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 4:00pm - 11:00pm

Greetings R.E.D. Community,

We are happy to announce our spring event:

Spring Benefit for Grandma Aggie and the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
March 31, 2012
4 - 11 p.m.
Bellview Grange in Ashland
We will be serving dinner and showing the film about the Grandmothers~
"For The Next 7 Generations"
Speakers and Music will follow the film

(All details are on the attached poster)

R.E.D. Meeting

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Event Details
Monday, March 5, 2012 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm

We are in planning and organizing mode for our upcoming spring event--the Benefit for Grandma Aggie. All are welcomed to attend this meeting and help out!

SOU Spring Powwow

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Event Details
Saturday, April 14, 2012 - 11:00am - Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 6:00pm

Contact NASU (Native American Student Union of SOU or call Burr @ 541-690-5871 for further details. Hope to see you there!

Benefit Event for Grandma Aggie and the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

Event Details
Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 4:00pm - 11:00pm

Please join us for dinner, movie, speakers and music all afternoon and evening to raise funds for the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and their Gathering this coming summer, and to raise consciousness and awareness about local and national indigenous issues. We will serve a fantastic meal, show Grandma Aggie's film featuring the Indigenous Grandmothers and their purpose and work, speak to the community about important things happening in Indian Country, have some music and enjoy gathering as a community. Tickets and entry will be sliding scale.

Elder~Youth Conference

Event Details
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - 12:00pm - Saturday, June 30, 2012 - 9:00pm

[WANTED] - TIRES - 185 / 60 14 inch mud snow ok - studed ok if cheap. at lease 75 % tread left -- I also like to trade.

Wanted Details

Still Wanted set of 4 tires or good matching singles --

please check to see if they are under 10 years old - there is a date that is surrounded by an oval like pill shape -- (3489) and
that means they were made in the 34th week of 1989...and newer ones should have 6 numbers? (450004), so 45th week of 2004

AND ALSO, I would prefer they not be on rims or on stock only rims that would fit on my 1998 VW Golf 4 lug...

185 / 60 14 inch mud snow ok - studed ok if cheap. at lease 75 % tread left -- I also like to trade.

please call 5 4 1 3 2 4 3 1 5 1

Phone Number: 
(541) 3243151

R.E.D. Meeting

Event Categorized In
Event Details
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Please join us for a meeting to help organize an upcoming fund-raiser for Grandma Aggie. We will be hosting a gathering, "dinner and a movie," as a benefit to raise money for the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers'. We're happy to be able to show Grandma Aggie's documentary on the work the Grandmothers are doing internationally. We'd love help organizing and helping to host this gathering, so volunteers are needed and appreciated!

Crafting Class

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Event Details
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm

We set January 17th, next Tuesday at 1 pm to meet at Benson's home at 482 Lit Way in Ashland. We will spend an hour or two to hear what Benson has to offer and to set a list of items we would like to make under Benson's direction.
Please RSVP so we know how many are coming and if we have the space to work. If Benson's place is too small for our numbers then we will change places to my home.
Also, if weekday times are not good for you please let me know what times would work. Benson mentioned that he might be interested in doing something on the weekend also.