First Nations Radio Feed
World Peace and Prayer Day
In accordance to the vision of Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the Sacred Canunpa, Red Earth Descendants will honor World Peace and Prayer Day at a local sacred site in Southern Oregon, as we do annually. Stay tuned for location and time.
Prayer Pole Blessing
Four years ago, Grandma Aggie asked Red Earth Descendants to watch over the prayer pole, keep it alive, a place for the People to go and pray. R.E.D. has provided several of our families' sacred eagle feathers to honor this request. In those years, we've repeatedly had feathers stolen from the pole, interrupting the community prayer as well as creating a potential nuisance on City of Ashland property.
Native Games, 2011, Wrap-Up
Our 5th Annual "H.O.Y.E." ("Help Our Youth Excel") Native Games kicked off yesterday afternoon with great enthusiasm! After gathering snugly under canopies while the snow and rain blessed the field, we circled up and asked an Elder for an opening prayer--for safety on the shinny field, for the people who could not be there to play, for the ominous fate of people across the ocean in Japan, for these challenging times in which we are living. Click on "read more" under photos!
SOU/NASU Spring Pow Wow
SOU/NASU Spring Pow Wow! See enclosed flier for details.
R.E.D. Biz/Crafting Meeting
Anyone is welcomed to attend a meeting and lend a hand or an idea!
Will be working on:
Native Games coming up March 19
Community Garden project coming up in May
Elder~Youth Conference coming up June 14-17
We hold meetings every two weeks, approximately, though after the Native Games Tournament on March 19, we will take a few weeks "off" from the bi-monthly meetings and resume again early in April.
Whistling Elk and White Hawk Singers' CD, "NO MATTER WHAT," Available Soon!
In collaboration with White Hawk Singers from Nespelem, Washington (Colville Rez), Whistling Elk Drum is in the process of professionally recording a new CD, "No Matter What," soon to be released. The CD will feature the complimentary styles of Southern (White Hawk) and Northern (Whistling Elk) Pow Wow songs. White Hawk and Whistling Elk befriended one another a few years ago at the Southern Oregon Veteran's Pow Wow. Since then, good relations have been made by the Drum families and the invitation to form a compilation of beautifully arranged songs has become a reality.
R.E.D. Social
Please join us for our monthly Social, bring a potluck dish if you can and enjoy our community gathering!
R.E.D. Women's Crafting Circle
Please join us once again for our monthly crafting women's circle. We look forward to gathering with the women!
Stickball (Shinny) Practice
Come join us for shinny practice! Learn how to play, all ages and levels of play welcomed!