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Annual Root Feast

Event Details
Sunday, May 23, 2010 - 10:00am - 4:40pm

Join us for the Fourth Annual Root Feast, a Traditional NIMI'IPU (NEZ PERCE) CEREMONY with LongHouse Leader Roy Hayes. No drugs or alcohol.

Cesar Chavez Day Event

Event Details
Thursday, April 22, 2010 - 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Unete is a volunteer-led movement of farmworkers and immigrants in rural Southern Oregon educating their community and advocating for worker rights, humane immigration policy, and full participation in the decision-making processes affecting their lives. Unete is the only Latino-led non-profit in the Rogue Valley.

Unete welcomes everyone to come celebrate Ceasar Chavez day and learn about the man who served his people and advocated for their rights. Whistling Elk Drum has been invited and we will be here!

Used/refurbrished computer systems + new systems to order.


Used/refurbrished computer systems + new systems to order.


R.E.D.'S “Hospitality Ladies”

As the Red Earth Descendants have grown over the years, we have become the recipients of a growing group of Women who we call our “Hospitality Ladies”, our front-line, steady, always-at-each-event/gathering women who run our camp kitchens, cook for our fund-raisers, provide for our meeting “nibbles”, bring wonderful home-cooking and desserts to our socials.

Honoring the Youth

We would very much Like to acknowledge some of our Youth members of R.E.D. As we have been spending more time together over the years, we find we can share things through the generational line that we all enjoy, appreciate, and at times, struggle with and through our judgements and differences(we take a lot of “humor medicine”). Tasker Little Crow, Misha Lake and Zhawen Wahpepah are all becoming good singers and by this week-end, all Dancers. Both Misha and Tasker have been dancers on the Pow Wow trail and Zhawen is coming out this week-end and doing her give-a-way at the Annual SOU Pow Wow.

Under One Sky...Along one Stream..... Health of the Willamette River Event, Eugene OR

Roy Hayes , Local Nimi'ipu (Nez Perce) Elder was asked to Open and Do the Blessing on the river, at the EWEB Building on 4th St. on March 31st. As a LongHouse Leader, he and three of his singers , opened with a prayer and the traditional 3 songs and then spoke of the importance of the river and Salmon. Later, when we all returned inside, Uncle Roy was asked to do the Honoring of two Individuals who were recognized for there service and efforts in Salmon restoration.

Whistling Elk visits the OYA/Oregon Youth Authorities

Some of our relations,local Southern Oregon Native peoples, have been working with the OYA for more than sixteen years. Members of the Local Native Veteran's Society, Founders of the Grants Pass Indian Center and the Whistling Elk Drum returned for a visit with the OYA. The Staff over there make us feel right at home when we visit, the way they look after us, and we always feel welcome. The Drum has visited several times now over the years.

2010 HOYE Native Games

Recap of our 2010 HOYE Native Games - featuring all content.

Help Wanted

Part-time job opportunity. Secretarial work, Ashland area, 4-Wheel Drive necessary please!

Primary Phone: 
1 (541) 621-7039

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