NASU Salmon Bake
Please join the SOU Native American Student Union and community for a delicious salmon lunch at their annual Salmon Bake! $5 a plate included salmon, wild rice, corn, green salad and cake. Support from this fund-raiser goes to Native American students and their club (NASU).
20th Annual Spring Powwow
Southern Oregon University's
Native American Student Union will host their
20th Annual Spring Powwow
April 14 & 15, 2012
McNeal Pavilion in Ashland, OR
Host Drum: Young Chief
MC: Marc McNair
Arena Director: Lynn Schonchin
Head Dancers: Tom and Allison Ball
Official Tabulator: Loren Schonchin
All drums and dancers are welcome.
This is a free event. NO Drugs or Alcohol allowed.
Vendors please email or contact NASU SOU on Facebook.
SOU Spring Powwow
Contact NASU (Native American Student Union of SOU or call Burr @ 541-690-5871 for further details. Hope to see you there!
SOU/NASU Spring Pow Wow
SOU/NASU Spring Pow Wow! See enclosed flier for details.
Stickball (Shinny) Practice
Come join us for shinny practice! Learn how to play, all ages and levels of play welcomed!
Stickball (Shinny) Practice
Come join us for weekly shinny practice! Learn how to play, all ages and levels of playing welcomed.
Native Games
Red Earth Descendants will host a day of H.O.Y.E. Native Games!
"Help Our Youth Excel"
Saturday, March 19
Noon to late afternoon
Briscoe School Field, North Main Street, Ashland
NASU's Welcome Back Tribal Gathering
The community is invited to attend the third annual "Back to School Tribal Gathering" hosted by the Native American Student Union (NASU) of SOU.
Saturday, November 20, doors open at Noon, Grand Entries at 1 and 6 p.m.
Free dinner at 5 p.m.
Powwow, Aztec Dancers, Native Games, traditional demonstrations, gambling, Pomo Dancers, Karuk stories, Purepecha Corn Festival, lots of food and fun!
Location: upstairs in the Stevenson Union of SOU--Rogue River Room.
NASU's Welcome Back Tribal Gathering
The community is invited to attend the third annual "Back to School Tribal Gathering" hosted by the Native American Student Union Of SOU.
Saturday, November 20, doors open at Noon, Grand Entries at 1 and 6 p.m.
Free dinner at 5 p.m.
Powwow, Aztec Dancers, Native Games, traditional demonstrations, gambling, Pomo Dancers, Karuk stories, Purepecha Corn Festival, lots of food and fun!
Location: upstairs in the Stevenson Union of SOU--Rogue River Room.
Red Earth Descendants H.O.Y.E. Native Games 2010 - Song by Whistling Elk
The Red Earth Descendants, NASU, Ashland Youth/Leadership Council 2010 Help Our Youth Excel Native Games Tournament recap. Song by Whistling Elk.