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News from the R.E.D. Community Garden

Greetings R.E.D. Community,

We have great news to give you about the R.E.D. Community Garden. . .it is growing in abundance, promising to yield another healthy crop of the Three Sisters (corn, beans and squash) again this year.

As we head into mid-growing-season, we want to put the invitation out once again to folks who might want to join us in the work to keep this garden up and going. To this point, the "community" garden work has been in the hands of just a few devoted folks, and we'd like to share that blessing just a little more! We will host fairly regular Friday afternoon work parties out there (now known as "Friday garden parties"), from 12:30 p.m. on into the afternoon. The work includes weeding, watering, thinning, hauling and distributing compost, and then always MORE weeding!

If you can't make a Friday afternoon garden party, we also need folks to come out and water regularly during the week. At last Saturday's Social, we passed around a sign-up sheet. If you are interested in helping out, contact us at: and we'll add you to the garden email thread so that we can coordinate who is watering and when.

At the Social, we focused some of our discussion around the garden and its importance to us in our community. It was mentioned that it's been such a blessing to have the corn all this past year--how we've used it in various ways all year, how we have a huge seed stock for preserving it, how wonderful it was to have as a constant food staple at our Elder~Youth Conference this past June (where the kids got to grind the corn right there and then make daily cornbreads in a Dutch Oven on the fire!). I personally used the rest of my beautifully dried squash in many soups and stews at Ceremonial camps this past summer, which was such a nice reminder of the amazing crop we harvested last fall from the community garden. All this is to say if we put the time and effort into our community garden, we can have healthy food staples to feed our families and our community ALL YEAR. That is the ultimate goal of the R.E.D. garden. We are happy to make strides toward that goal.

Thank you and please email us back if you are interested and I'll give you directions to the garden and put you on the list. . .Jaimie


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Osiyo, I just moved here am

I just moved here am renting right now, so I miss being on my farm and getting dirty! I would love to make it to the Fri. work parties at the garden to help out. I am a permaculture designer/teacher by trade, so maybe that would be helpful in some way.


Wow! This is great. I just

Wow! This is great. I just moved from a far town in here and it's really a abrupt change for me living on the city by myself. I miss my parents, the farm and our garden outside our house. Well, the city is totally different from the place where I grown up. I am a nature lover and I love gardening and I think my knowledge and willingness is enough to make it.

Hello R E D Go RED Go

Hello R E D Go RED Go RED

SO GREAT to see this picture, to see the corn growing for the
THIRD YEAR in the Rogue Valley. And RED made it happen so
we could get organized but EACH of YOU actually DID IT!!!
Thank you so much.

Stella Jane Go here to see some history of the corn seed
brought up here from Chiapas where corn began.

Anyone wanting to plant next year, PLEASE ASK for seed.

The site did not allow the

The site did not allow the link so I will give it differently:

ThreeSistersPlanting d o t info