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Hopa Mountain


The possibilities for economic, environmental, and social health in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains lie in the strength of the people, especially our relationships with each other and with the land we love. In every community, there are not only good ideas, but community leaders who get things done and to whom others turn for help. There is now a renewed recognition of the importance of these special people, particularly in rural and tribal communities that have a dearth of opportunities to provide and sustain healthy communities.

Community leaders know their community's people, values, beliefs, language, and ethnic characteristics. Given adequate resources, they can provide more meaningful services more efficiently and effectively than outside professionals can. Hopa Mountain recognizes the critical role community leaders play in their communities and we dream of what they could accomplish if they had access to adequate resources. Simply put, community leaders are the focus of Hopa Mountain's work.

Acknowledging the skills, talents, and positions within communities of these natural leaders, Hopa Mountain endeavors to provide them with the means–primarily through training, networking, mentoring, and financial support–to generate and expand much-needed opportunities in their communities

Primary Phone: 
1 (406) 586-2455
Hopa Mtn and Bonnie Sawyer have and still do give us alot of support with networking, advice and expertise. We look forward to attending their yearly Native non-profit seminar again this year. R.e.d. thanks you for all that you do in Indian Country....