Elder~Youth Conference, 2011
There is nothing more important to our vision than to provide the Elder~Youth Conference for the children in our community. Our Elder~Youth camp last month was another beautiful gathering. In collaboration with Grandma Aggie's Salmon Gathering, we were once again blessed to host a camp for youth and elders that allowed us to camp out in the Applegate Valley for four days, spending our days providing teachings for the kids, field trips to the lake, doing Ceremony and supporting the vision of the Salmon Ceremony (click "read more" below photos). Teachings provided were Indian sign language, shinny (stickball gaming), sweat lodge building, animal tracking and plant identifying, weaponry, archery, storytelling, horse handling and riding, learning how to host the elder giveaway, and plenty of Ceremony for the kids who wanted to participate in sweat lodge. The youth in camp--young and old--made lasting friendships and relations that will stay with them for many years to come. The elders were honored as teachers and role models for us all. It was a very wonderful blending with the Salmon Ceremony, which took place the last day of camp for Elder~Youth. And of course we had the added blessing of sharing a great community kitchen with the Salmon folks and our own R.E.D. head cook, Mary Ann, who once again fed us well with healthy, amazing food from our fabulous cache of donations!
We'd like to thank the following people, organizations and foundations for their support and sponsorship of our Elder~Youth Conference:
~McKenzie River Gathering Foundation for a generous grant to cover costs.
~Grandma Aggie and her family.
~Grants Pass Inter-tribal Pow Wow Committee.
~Pamela Joy and the Food Angels in Ashland for food donations.
~Ashland Community Food Store for an in-store grant.
~Shop 'n Kart of Ashland for a gift certificate.
~Darlene Graham (Shoshone) for her giveaway donations for Elder Baskets.
~Bellview Grange in Ashland for their Water Wagon, and Jason for transporting it.
~Four Eagles Farm and Devon Strong for the delicious buffalo.
~Our R.E.D. folks who helped create the R.E.D. kitchen collection.
~Whistling Elk Singers.
~And last but NOT least, all our teachers and elders who provided the teachings and other activities for the kids--Benson Lanford, Kendal Wheeler,Terry Hill, Rob and David and their gentle horses, Gary and Uncle Eddie with the sweat lodges, Rex Montoya, Debbie Carlson, Mary Ann Tinoko, Grandma Aggie and all the other adults and older youth for their help and guidance!
We feel truly blessed to have the collaboration with you all in making this a giveaway camp to our youth and elders!
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